Yukon Territory Adoption Records


1.  Post Adoption Disclosure

The new Child and Family Services Act is in effect as of April 30, 2010 and includes significant changes to how the Department of Health and Social Services deals with adoption disclosures.

The new legislation allows for more openness around adoption-related records, making it easier for  parents and people who were adopted to find each other. Unfortunately the Yukon has chosen to adopt No Contact Vetoes in the new legislation.

As of April 30, 2010, adopted persons aged 19 or over and their natural parents can access their information if there is no disclosure veto in place.

Post Adoption Services Include:

  • counselling,
  • assessment and support for the family.
  • Adoption Services assists adult adoptees and natural parents seeking disclosure, reunion information or counselling.

Adoption Forms


Emily Younker
Cabinet Communications

Pat Living
Communications, Health & Social Services

For information on adoptions that took place in Yukon contact:

Family and Children’s Services
Health and Social Services
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Phone: 867-667-8689
Email: Betsy.Stinson@gov.yk.ca

2.  Obtain your Hospital Records

Mothers can call the Medical Records department of the hospital in which the birth took place to obtain your hospital chart with respect to prenatal care, labour and delivery, post natal care, hospital stay, etc.  Mothers should also apply for their child’s hospital record.  (Hint:  Do not use the word “adopted” if possible,  and if asked why records are required the answer is “for my personal record”).

3.  Maternity Home Records

Mothers who resided in Maternity Homes may apply to the organization which ran the home for any records which may have survived:

For Salvation Army Homes contact:

Salvation Army Archives
26 Howden Road, Scarborough, Ontario

November 20, 2009 – New Act Opens Up Adoption Files Unless Vetoed

WHITEHORSE – The new Child and Family Services Act will come into effect on April 30, 2010 and will include significant changes in how the Department of Health and Social Services deals with adoption disclosures.

“This new, progressive legislation will mean significant changes to the way the department delivers its programs for families and children,” Health and Social Services Minister Glenn Hart said. “It reflects feedback and comments received from a variety of stakeholders over the past six years.”

The new legislation allows for more openness around adoption-related records, making it easier for birth parents and people who were adopted to find each other. However, in situations where they wish not be contacted, birth parents and children involved in previous adoptions can maintain confidentiality by filing a no-contact declaration.

“For adoptions finalized under the previous act, individuals who wish to maintain confidentiality must file a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration to prevent identifying information from being released through the birth registration or adoption order,” Hart said.

People wishing to file a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration have until April 29, 2010 to do so. After that, adopted people aged 19 or over and birth parents will be able to access their individual information.

“This section of the new act is progressive and up-to-date, meeting best practices in place in some jurisdictions across the country,” Hart added.

A national advertising campaign as well as contact with other adoption agencies across the country will be used to inform birth parents and adoptees of their options.