Action on past forced adoption policies

The National Apology for past forced adoption practices is taking place in Canberra today.

This will be a very important day for mothers, fathers, adoptees, grandparents and families. These practices have clearly had a devastating impact on hundreds of thousands of lives.

An apology was one of the key recommendations made by the Senate Community Affairs Inquiry into the Commonwealth’s involvement with former Forced Adoption practices, which was initiated and chaired by Senator Siewert.

Many of the states and territories have undertaken their own apology, and the Senate Inquiry made important recommendations to ensure actions match the words of an apology.

The Committee’s recommendations reflect the fact that every parent, child and family involved in a forced adoption has been effected in a different way and have their own needs.

This is reflected in the reccomendations of the report, which state that those effected should have access to grievance mediation, appropriate counselling and peer support, access to personal records, and opportunities to reconnect with family members, according to their individual needs.

The Greens continue to work to ensure the recommendations of this report are delivered.

See original article

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